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Friday, September 21, 2018

Every day is a new opportunity to look at recovery with a fresh set of eyes. Never give up hope, faith and belief that all things are possible!!!

Jay Rossi Interview:  Memoir Misunderstood, Acting Career & Inspiring others to never give up hope on your dreams!

Happiness (hap-pi-ness):

1.     the quality or state of being happy.

2.     good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy, synonyms pleasure, joy, exhilaration, bliss, contentedness, delight, enjoyment, satisfaction

Biblical Citation:

       2 Kings 20:5 “ I have heard your prayers and seen your tears. I will heal you.

2 Corinthians 12:10. “When I’m weak I am strong; the less I have the more I depend on him. “

Positive Affirmation:

In p.m., pray and ask for answers/in a.m., sit quietly and listen for the answers.

One day at a time.

This too shall pass.

Easy does it.

Research links:

Chronic and long term affects in adults with eating disorders.

Reel stories Real People is excited about our educational film about eating disorders called Empty. We need your support and donations. Please read more about our project, share like and donate on the link below.

Kaitlyn Chana (321)-277-2279


Sherry Hudak (216)-577-0048

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