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Wednesday, April 24, 2019


How do you view your life’s current circumstances?
If your a parent, are you aware of your child’s current state of mind behind closed doors?
If your a friend, do you give as much as you receive?
Do you recognize every choice you make impacts many lives around you?

As a parent, friend and mentor to individuals struggling with addiction, eating disorders and depression, my heart goes out to those who have lost their way. As a mother I understand the pressures my daughter faces at just 12 years old. Raising children today with social media can be a daunting task. Often parents turn a blind eye at what their children are exposed to. We are living in a time where things move extremely fast. Most children are not equipped to deal with the fallout or consequences that occur on social media. I do believe without the support of a strong family network this in large part is where kids today start spiraling into a black hole of isolation, drug addiction, eating disorders and suicidal thinking. Keyboard courage is destroying many children’s lives at a very impressionable age.

Unfortunately the family unit isn’t as strong as it once was. Men are confused what their role is In society as well as in the home. Women are no longer just staying home to monitor their children closely. Today parents are juggling many hats. But, is it all worth it? When I look at the women’s movement...I without question feel women should be given equal pay and opportunity to provide for their family...however, the statistics don’t lie.

My journey overcoming eating disorders and addiction was exhausting. I understand the fight within the mind of a parent to be there for their children as well as the pressure to provide as well. However, how much $$$ is more important then our children.

As part of my daily routine I watch inspirational video’s made by motivational speaker and life coach Trent Shelton. In his work he gives words of wisdom on all aspects of life. One clip I found to be interesting particularly raising a pre-teen is “EVERYONE ISN’T YOUR FRIEND!” I found this video important to share with anyone who has felt abandoned in their relationships.

After watching Trent’s videos’s, I reflected on the uncertainty of what once was a unified family unit.
Statistics show the divorce rate in the US alone is 40-50% for all marriages. Of those marriages 70% of women made that pivotal choice to break up the family unit.

So, what does that mean? Well...statistics show the drug overdose rate is three times higher in 2016 then it was in 2019. The suicide rate from 2000-2016 increased by 30%. For girls this number has tripled. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for all Americans from age 10-34 years of age.

Today I ask you fill your mind with 40 positive messages “daily”! Do this daily! As we work on developing positive self worth we are less likely to fall pre to bad relationships, greed, drugs, eating disorders and depression. Watch a few of Trent Shelton’s video’s. I believe without a doubt you will not feel alone! Let’s start the process of re-gaining control over our families before it’s too late!!!

Keep Smiling!


Sample Video Trent Shelton: http://youtu.be/QV0UiJkTC60
Eating Disorder Statistics: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/statistics-research-eating-disorders

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