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Sunday, September 15, 2019


Have you ever known someone struggling with depression, anxiety or an eating disorder? Maybe your reading this because your one of the millions of people who struggle daily with mental illness.

As a writer and advocate for the National Eating Disorders Association it has always been my mission to share the most recent knowledge on the topic of mental illness and more specifically Eating Disorders, anxiety and depression leading to a dual diagnosis. I found this article published by Dr. James Greenblatt from Walden Behavioral Care, to be eye opening when it comes to the topic of suicide and depression. It is my hope that families will find hope in knowing that the medical community is continuously doing ongoing research regarding genetic links, the makeup of the brain and other contributing factors that might play a role in mental illness and suicidal tendencies.

This topic is near and dear to my heart. May you find peace in knowing you are not alone. Depression is a disease of the brain and is very treatable!!!

For more information about my Memoir and Workbook coming out in 2020 please like and follow my blog or follow me on Twitter Sherry Hudak @Sherry_Hudy

Remember...we are only as sick as the secrets we keep. Ask for help!!! No matter what you are going through it is never as bad as we make it out to be in our mind.

Hugs and prayers to all who are suffering today!
Keep smiling😇!


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