Integrative medicine is a therapeutic approach to healing. This is based on biochemical individuality and understanding the body, mind and spirit are all interconnected.
I believe both traditional and complementary therapies can be incorporated into an integrative approach.
Rather than attempting to eliminate signs and symptoms of the disorder, the focus of integrative medicine is to restore balance in the body by adjusting the factors, both internal and external, that nurture or repair the individual as a whole being.
Someone like myself suffering from an eating disorder, with the desire to get help, heal and move past our past can find ourselves in a deep, dark place of obsession and isolation without the help and understanding of a team.
That's right! I will never be able to take the credit for picking up the remaining pieces of my life. But, I know first hand what the endless cycle of addiction feels like.
SO... Where do we start?
To whom do you trust to open yourself up to feeling vulnerable?
I can tell you from my experience if you want to get well and believe in yourself you will!!!!
Start talking! Keep talking! Know in your heart this too will pass. It's a process and takes time.
Believe all things are possible.
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