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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Prayer

“Let me do my work each day; and if the darkened hours of despair overcome me, may I not forget the strength that comforted me in the desolation of other times. 

May I still remember the bright hours that found me walking over the silent hills of my childhood, or dreaming on the margin of a quiet river, when a light glowed within me, and I promised my early God to have courage amid the tempests of the changing years. 

Spare me from bitterness and from the sharp passions of unguarded moments. May I not forget that poverty and riches are of the spirit.  

Though the world knows me not, may my thoughts and actions be such as shall keep me friendly with myself. 

Lift up my eyes from the earth, and let me not forget the uses of the stars.  Forbid that I should judge others lest I condemn myself.  

Let me not follow the clamor of the world, but walk calmly in my path. 

Give me a few friends who will love me for what I am; and keep ever burning before my vagrant steps the  kindly light of hope. 

And though age and infirmity overtake me, and I come not within sight of the castle of my dreams, teach me still to be thankful for life, and for time's olden memories that are good and sweet; and may the evening's twilight find me gentle still.”

                                    American Writer
                                      Max Ehramn 

Monday, April 27, 2020


NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association) VIRTUAL WALK 2020

Thank you Congresswoman Jackie Walorski for all your efforts in introducing the Nutrition Care Act. This will allow for Outpatient Care Counseling and MEDICAID coverage to those in need.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

COVID 19...Why do we need to be inspired by “great movies”?

During this time of isolation, I had the opportunity to write a brief explanation about what makes a film a good film. Why do we continue to go back to theaters over and over again? What is it we are looking for that movies give us one can’t find in another form of art? Below is an article I briefly explain my perspective. Let’s all get healthy and back to making amazing impactful movies very soon!


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tips for Families

The following information can be found in my mental health work book for eating disorders coming out this year!!! 

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Are you happy?

While watching this wonderful film Last Christmas with five teenage girls, I witnessed a bunch of mixed emotions about what they witnessed in this film. Without giving away the ending to the film, I asked every girl individually what they thought about the film. Some were crying and some laughing... I was confused. Either way these were their reactions and I understood because the story wasn’t so straight forward as it appeared in the beginning of the movie. However, in the end the message was very clear. Now...why do I make the choice to post here on my blog? Well...as someone who struggled with eating disorders for nearly thirty years and cane from a family of four generations of eating disorders and addictions I felt very connected to the storyline. The message was very clear to me from the beginning...and not as an individual but from the voice of my eating disorder. The main character lives her life very narrow minded and selfish. She was very unhappy. I understood this because this is how eating disorders strip us of our happiness. The voice of anorexia and bulimia make you  believe their way of doing things is what’s best for us leading us down a lonely road of isolation. However, in the end I am here to tell you it is not the best road to travel. Just as the lead character learns she is happier by doing things for others would bring her joy and happiness...I too found in recovery this was a necessary component in the healing process of recovery for myself.

Today I ask that while you watch this movie...that you find new ways to fill your heart by paying it forward to opening your heart to others in need. I promise you it is a very healing experience.

Enjoy the movie!! 🎥 🍿


Monday, October 21, 2019


As an artist and author I am hyper aware of my emotional state at all times. However, this wasn’t always the case. After thirty years of struggling with anorexia, bulimia and nighttime eating disorder I decided to take control over my life. I will admit...every single day is a challenge.

One of many things  I’ve learned over the years, is we have a choice to expose ourselves to things that will fuel our addiction or learn to create boundaries as we choose life over death! However, often times the individual struggling with the addiction is so far gone they can’t see they have a choice.

I’ve always said and truly believe this... We have three roads to travel in life. We can choose to travel the road of which we feel is best for us on our journey through recovery, or we can allow satan to speak on our behalf. But, I am certain by choosing the road to god you will find more then you ever imagined was possible!”

If you know someone struggling and fears what recovery might look like on the other side please have them read this book. This book is just one of the hundreds of books I’ve read over the course of my recovery that has had lasting impact in my life. But, remember addicts often can see the depth of the hole they are in until it’s too late. Reach out to them before it’s too late!!!

Enjoy the book!
Keep smiling...
Stay tuned for my book series coming out in 2020...🙏

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Do you know someone struggling with an eating disorder or addiction?

Do you have questions and wish you had the answers to them?

My book series Misunderstood will help assist you and your family as you seek to better understand the mental mindset behind the mask of your loved ones addiction.

I struggled for thirty years with eating disorders and addiction.
My family struggled for over a century.

Why wait for treatment when you can start the journey now?

Coming out in 2024 MISUNDERSTOOD!

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Tangled Web of 
Eating Disorders and 
Substance Use Disorder 
Dr. Ebrahimi presented at the Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders (CCSAD)
The co-occurrence of eating disorders (EDs) and substance use disorder (SUDs) is high. 50 percent of individuals with an eating disorder will abuse alcohol or an illicit substance compared with 9 percent of those in the general population. 35 percent of alcohol or illicit substance abusers have an eating disorder while the prevalence in the general population for eating disorders is 3 percent.

Individuals who have an eating disorder and abuse drugs and alcohol experience higher levels of eating disorder symptoms, poorer outcomes, higher relapse rates, increased medical complications, increased psychopathology, longer recovery times and poorer functioning in general. 

Given these statistics, the importance of screening for both disorders, when someone presents for treatment with either one, cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, treatment centers need to up their game in this area. A National Treatment Center Study found that of 351 publicly funded SUD programs only 16 percent offered treatment for co-occurring eating disorders and only half screened for eating disorders in their patient assessment. Only 3 percent of SUD treatment centers in this study had a formal arrangement with an ED treatment center or provider. 

How can substance abuse disorder treatment clinicians and admission staff do a better job of screening for eating disorders in their potential patients? First, they should learn more about the signs and symptoms of eating disorders and their effects on individuals with substance abuse disorder. This will help them better screen for eating disorders in clients.

Fortunately, there are several tools available to help screen clients for an eating disorder. One such tool is the SCOFF Questionnaire, which is a basic five-question assessment tool that is in the toolbox of most eating disorder clinicians. Answering "yes" to two or more of the questions warrants further questioning and more in-depth assessment. SCOFF corresponds with first letter of the following five words in the questions: Do you make yourself sickbecause you feel uncomfortably full? Do you worry you have lost control over what you eat? Have you recently lost more than one stone (14 lbs.) over a three-month period? Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are thin? Would you say food dominates your life?

Just a few basic questions can make the difference between setting someone up for failure or success. Those in the treatment of either eating disorders or substance abuse disorders should consider cross training on these highly correlative disorders to insure that each client is receiving the right treatment at the right time. 

For more information about the Cambridge Center for Eating Disorders visit the links below.


Friday, September 20, 2019



Changing your eating habits is just the beginning of the recovery process. You must also adopt healthy interests, opinions, values, and behavior.

At the very minimum recovery means:

-Normal to near normal weight is maintained
-A balanced diet of a normal variety of foods and not just those which are low in fat, sugar or low calorie
-Having appropriate relationships with family members
-Mutually satisfying relationships which are healthy and with normal people
-Appreciating the process of making choices and having consequences
-The individual no longer drives oneself with criticism and demands for any unrealistic performance
-Gains strong ability for problem solving


Thursday, September 19, 2019


National Eating Disorders Association

Weight stigma, also known as weight bias or weight discrimination, is discrimination or stereotyping based on a person’s size. Weight stigma also manifests in fat phobia, the dislike or fear of being or becoming fat. 
  • Healthcare
  • Friends & Family
  • Education
  • (Social) Media
  • Wellness/Fitness Industry
  • Transportation, Housing, Employment, Etc.
  • Public Settings (for example: chair sizes in movie theaters or sporting events) 
Great question! Keep reading.  
Everyone—in every size/shape body—deserves life-saving treatment, but weight stigma is a barrier to that for many people. People with all eating disorders come in all different sized bodies. Often, individuals, families and clinicians are resistant to weight gain that may result in a weight higher than which they are comfortable. 
Weight stigma prevents many people with eating disorders from being diagnosed with an eating disorder, seeking treatment for an eating disorder, and/or receiving treatment for an eating disorder. And weight stigma and fat phobia makes potential weight gain during recovery scary for those in any size body.  
Weight stigma and fat phobia remains very common in the clinical and research communities, and among people personally impacted by eating disorders. For example:
  • Clinicians do not feed patients, especially higher weight patients, at an adequate level.
  • Treatment programs do not accept patients whose weight may not be low.
  • Research is not balanced to include all body sizes because of the general assumptions made about weight and its association to certain diagnoses. For instance, a person in a higher weight body can have Anorexia Nervosa (termed" Atypical Anorexia Nervosa") and, because of weight, be excluded from studies.
  • Treatment programs advertise "weight management" or weight loss as a component of treatment for higher weight people with an eating disorder, especially those with binge eating disorder.
  • People at eating disorder advocacy events and in the broader eating disorders community verbally make fun of or harass people in higher weight bodies at eating disorders events (including NEDA events) (or in non-eating disorders related settings).

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Have you ever known someone struggling with depression, anxiety or an eating disorder? Maybe your reading this because your one of the millions of people who struggle daily with mental illness.

As a writer and advocate for the National Eating Disorders Association it has always been my mission to share the most recent knowledge on the topic of mental illness and more specifically Eating Disorders, anxiety and depression leading to a dual diagnosis. I found this article published by Dr. James Greenblatt from Walden Behavioral Care, to be eye opening when it comes to the topic of suicide and depression. It is my hope that families will find hope in knowing that the medical community is continuously doing ongoing research regarding genetic links, the makeup of the brain and other contributing factors that might play a role in mental illness and suicidal tendencies.

This topic is near and dear to my heart. May you find peace in knowing you are not alone. Depression is a disease of the brain and is very treatable!!!

For more information about my Memoir and Workbook coming out in 2020 please like and follow my blog or follow me on Twitter Sherry Hudak @Sherry_Hudy

Remember...we are only as sick as the secrets we keep. Ask for help!!! No matter what you are going through it is never as bad as we make it out to be in our mind.

Hugs and prayers to all who are suffering today!
Keep smiling😇!


Wednesday, April 24, 2019


How do you view your life’s current circumstances?
If your a parent, are you aware of your child’s current state of mind behind closed doors?
If your a friend, do you give as much as you receive?
Do you recognize every choice you make impacts many lives around you?

As a parent, friend and mentor to individuals struggling with addiction, eating disorders and depression, my heart goes out to those who have lost their way. As a mother I understand the pressures my daughter faces at just 12 years old. Raising children today with social media can be a daunting task. Often parents turn a blind eye at what their children are exposed to. We are living in a time where things move extremely fast. Most children are not equipped to deal with the fallout or consequences that occur on social media. I do believe without the support of a strong family network this in large part is where kids today start spiraling into a black hole of isolation, drug addiction, eating disorders and suicidal thinking. Keyboard courage is destroying many children’s lives at a very impressionable age.

Unfortunately the family unit isn’t as strong as it once was. Men are confused what their role is In society as well as in the home. Women are no longer just staying home to monitor their children closely. Today parents are juggling many hats. But, is it all worth it? When I look at the women’s movement...I without question feel women should be given equal pay and opportunity to provide for their family...however, the statistics don’t lie.

My journey overcoming eating disorders and addiction was exhausting. I understand the fight within the mind of a parent to be there for their children as well as the pressure to provide as well. However, how much $$$ is more important then our children.

As part of my daily routine I watch inspirational video’s made by motivational speaker and life coach Trent Shelton. In his work he gives words of wisdom on all aspects of life. One clip I found to be interesting particularly raising a pre-teen is “EVERYONE ISN’T YOUR FRIEND!” I found this video important to share with anyone who has felt abandoned in their relationships.

After watching Trent’s videos’s, I reflected on the uncertainty of what once was a unified family unit.
Statistics show the divorce rate in the US alone is 40-50% for all marriages. Of those marriages 70% of women made that pivotal choice to break up the family unit.

So, what does that mean? Well...statistics show the drug overdose rate is three times higher in 2016 then it was in 2019. The suicide rate from 2000-2016 increased by 30%. For girls this number has tripled. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for all Americans from age 10-34 years of age.

Today I ask you fill your mind with 40 positive messages “daily”! Do this daily! As we work on developing positive self worth we are less likely to fall pre to bad relationships, greed, drugs, eating disorders and depression. Watch a few of Trent Shelton’s video’s. I believe without a doubt you will not feel alone! Let’s start the process of re-gaining control over our families before it’s too late!!!

Keep Smiling!


Sample Video Trent Shelton: http://youtu.be/QV0UiJkTC60
Eating Disorder Statistics: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/statistics-research-eating-disorders

Monday, April 22, 2019

BREAKTHROUGH...The healing language of love!

Have you ever heard someone say they don’t believe in god? 
We’ve all heard no one person can be an island and people need people.
Does love in of itself fix everything? 
Have you ever witnessed a miracle? 
Do you know what a “grace” is?

The film BREAKTHROUGH is about a 14 year old boy played by Marcel Ruiz who is drowns in a lake, a faithful mother played by Crissy Metz who prays for him to come back from the brink of death and to be treated. 

As I watched BREAKTHROUGH I wondered how many people would walk away from the theater and become a believer. I understood the power of prayer in my personal life like many of you reading my blog. It has not gone un-noticed the number of supporters that have follow me and struggle with an eating disorder, addiction, depression or suicidal tendencies. 

As a mother to a healthy twelve year old daughter, I am a proud christian who doesn’t take life for granted. Unfortunately my mom lost my brother and her only son at the age of thirty. We too prayed for a miracle like you see in the film BREAKTHROUGH. Over a period of two years we accepted god’s will for his life and said our goodbyes. 

I will forever remember my mother praying over my brother asking god to heal him for he knew it was him alone that had ultimate control.

My brother stopped walking, talking and eating about a week before he went into a coma. I will forever remember the amazing grace god gave me ten days into my brother fell into a coma. It was a typical day. I washed his face, hands and feet. I talked to him, told him I loved him and reminded him I knew he could hear me. I prayed silently, did the sign of the cross on myself and my brother as well. I hugged him and kisses his forehead. I slowly walked to the front door. I feared every day I left it might be the last time I would see him before he passed away. As I approached the door I turned around and told him I love you! Something felt different. I didn’t want to leave. Within a minute after telling him I loved him he moved his arm. I said, “Robby, your hear me! I know you do!! And after ten days of being in a coma he said, “I love you!” I couldn’t believe it. This I know was a gift. I felt so extremely grateful. I knew the tumor reached his brainstem and he would never walk or eat again. I knew he would eventually die. But, I never thought I would hear him talk again let alone hear him tell me he loved me. I walked over  to my mom and gave her a hug and thanked her for being strong. Her faith is god carried all of us through this difficult period of time.

When I left that day I kept playing over in my mind two specific incidences.
1.  About three months before my brother stopped talking and walking we had a conversation about my health.  He told me to start living instead of dying. I felt so selfish for being trapped in the mindset of an anorexic knowing his fate, future and days were limited. I promised I would work one day at a time to regain control over my life. I won’t lie it was difficult. I wished I could take back the fifteen years. I felt trapped in my body and obsessive thinking. However, his suffering inspired me to begin my journey towards a better way of living. This journey would take another fifteen years to fully open my eyes to god’s amazing gifts he had in store for me. 

2. The other moment that wouldn’t escape my mind was when I was 80lbs passed out and my mom called the EMS, the first of many. My mom prayed that day more then ever before. I felt ashamed for the pain I was causing in my families life. Yet I was determined to pick up the pieces of my life. I felt the love and devotion Crissy Metz had for her son in the film BREAKTHROUGH. 

Today I can say without a doubt GOD IS REAL !!
Love is vital to the healing process. I am so grateful for films like BREAKTHROUGH that will allow for families to open up about the topics of conversation about god his healing love and power to change our lives. I can only hope as a producer on our film WORTHY you will walk away without questioning god is real as well. Just as important we must acknowledge god has an amazing plan for each and every one of us, there is a driving force that is trying to keep us from seeing his will for our life. 


Thank you for your continued support by reading, sharing and liking  my blog!  
My memoir MISUNDERSTOOD will be released in 2020!

For more info about our film WORTHY...visit our facebook page: WORTHY-THE MOVIE 🎥